Offer Your Gratitude to His Divine Holiness
Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam







 Ashtotaranamavali Archana

Archana or Ashtotaranamavali Archana (108 Name Recital) is performed to His Divine Holiness with utter awe and devotion of His ultimate grace and compassion. Before the archana, you and your family’s names and gotra will be chanted for the blessings of auspiciousness and fulfillment in all aspects of life. This seva is directly offered to the Vakshas Stala Lakshmi (birthmark indicating the presence to The Goddess Lakshmi) on The Avatar’s own physical body. 

Offering this seva to Swamiji will: 

-Strengthen your connection to Swamiji and Swamiji’s happening in the Cosmos. 

  • Bestow auspicious blessings for wealth and unending opportunities for wealth. 
  • Awaken the subtle part of your brain to be able see opportunities for wealth in every corner of your life.